There's nothing that can't be accomplished using a solid capital
There's nothing that can't be accomplished using a solid capital Feb 17

There's nothing that can't be accomplished using a solid capital

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Therefore, not looking at the screen and doing your work while the fleshies are on... is not AFKing... If it exceeds 5 mins. If you're in front of your computer, you're not in trouble. If you decide to go away for a study session you shouldn't.

It doesn't even matter. To be truthful when they autologize you , even if you're in combat at say, giant spiders, bandits or all the other AFK'able training spots, I don't think that anyone has been banned and that's not even prohibitable, I'd guess - by having AFK'd. It's not like Jagex has a video camera of you playing. However, if you move away then yes technically, you're AFK but browsing youtube while fishing or doing homework while fishing is fine.

Thanks! That's the kind of answer I was seeking. What I've learned: As long as I remain there the place is fine. If I leave for a minute for the bathroom or for something else the rest is fine. If I stay for a long time, it isn't alright. You will not be banned, but it's technically still bannable. But, considering how hard to prove it is - I'm pretty sure Jagex does not know if you were on forums or something else It doesn't matter.

If I'm on my computer, it is still working? It's all fine. There is no reason to ban you for AFK training. This whole idea is absurd to me. They're just trying for you to remain using Runescape for as long as is possible. You aren't using robots when you AFK train which is why there's a big difference.

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02-17-22 - 02:00 Fecha de inicio
02-23-22 - 05:00 Fecha final
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