Since that time, EA has released new commissioner tools
Since that time, EA has released new commissioner tools Feb 11

Since that time, EA has released new commissioner tools

দিন ঘন্টার অবশিষ্ট

Since that time, EA has released new commissioner tools and other improvements, including a major overhaul of its scouting systems. Madden 22 also introduced an enhanced scenario engine, in-season cutscenes and coaching skill trees. However, players continue to discuss the various areas where franchise mode may be better compared to the competition, from the relative lack of customized options to the numerous bugs.

While EA Sports wouldn't provide any additional information, it is possible that additional enhancements are still on track for in the near future. These updates could include franchise relocation changes promised in the original roadmap in Madden 22. Expect more details in 2022.

In the meantime, you can read IGN's Review of Madden 22, in which we explain why the series fails to make the transition from being featured for the Xbox Series X|S and PS5. Madden 22 is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

After a short break, it's the time for Detroit Lions football again. You may be sick of it already however, with just six games remaining you'll miss it in a few months. I promise. If you're not one of those who like less in the winter months than the regular season. If so, then we wish you a very happy holiday season. Your time is nigh. (Editor's note: Welcome my world.It's a good thing you're here.

We normies are going to enjoy football when we have it. That includes following the virtual Detroit Lions in our weekly Madden simulations on our Twitch channel. Every week, I alter the teams' lineups to correspond with the injury report and then watch the two teams battle, computer against. computer, while I provide live commentary and address any Lions questions you have. It's a great time although after I've laid it down in writing, I'm feeling like I'm no longer able to refer to myself as a normie. It's bizarre, but entertaining. I promise.

02-11-22 - 01:00 শুরুর তারিখ
02-15-22 - 05:00 শেষ তারিখ
Since that time, EA has released new commissioner tools এখনও কিছু পোস্ট করেনি৷